Now a day, the most important part of your website is the data of your website which includes your web contents, databases, email accounts etc. It is recommended that you take the backup of your website regularly. However, most of the hosting providers are taking the backup daily, weekly or monthly basis but to become safer from our side, we have to take the backup at our end also. Many hosting control panels allow you to take the backup directly from the control panel. Today, I will discuss regarding how to take backup/restore your site through cPanel.
cPanel provides the features to backup and restore your site through control panel. You can take home directory backup, database backup, full backup of your website and email domain forwarder or filter backup. To download the backup, follow the below mentioned steps:
[1] Login to the cPanel of your domain.
[2] Go to ‘Backups’ menu.
[3] Click on the appripriate backup copy to download. For example, if you want to download the database backup then click on the database name which is under ‘Download a MySQL Database Backup’.
In addtion, you can also take the full backup (backup of your whole site including database, web contents, emails etc.). To generate the full backup, click on ‘Generate/Download a Full Backup’.