WordPress uses a file called wp-cron.php as a virtual cron job. This is used to automate scheduled posting, checking updates for plugins and themes, email notification and other automated tasks.
Whenever a user access your blog, wp-cron.php is called automatically on each request. On a low traffic website, this is not a problem but if you have high traffic websites, this can result into high resource usage and it can also affect the website loading.
Disable default wp-cron.php behavior
It is possible to disable this virtual cron file (wp-cron.php). We can do it by adding necessary code in wp-config.php.
[1] Open your wp-config.php file.
[2] Add the following line in your wp-config.php file after your database details (after define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”) line):
define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', 'true');
[3] Save your wp-config.php file.
Now WordPress should not call wp-cron.php file each time your blog is accessed by the visitor.
Setup manual cron job for wp-cron.php
Once you disable wp-cron.php using wp-config.php, WordPress will stop doing automated task. To overcome this problem, you can setup a manual cron job to execute wp-cron.php file. If your web hosting provider offers cPanel, you can setup a cron job as follow:
[1] Login to your cPanel.
[2] Form Advanced section, go to Cron jobs.
[3] Select Once an hour from the Common Settings drop-down.
[4] Now select Every 4 hours from the Hour drop-down.
[5] Add following line in Command and click on Add New Cron Job.
cd /home/YOUR_USER/public_html; php -q wp-cron.php
You will have to specify the correct path for your WordPress installation directory. Kindly adjust your command according to your WordPress installation path.
Thanks for the article.
If anyone’s hosting doesn’t support Cron, or its Cron service is crap. You may try http://www.easycron.com.