An error occurred while loading the hcpdriver module – R1Soft

R1soft CDP backup is widely used to take full server backup and it is capable to perform bare metal restore.

You may encounter the following after upgrading your Kernel:

An exception occurred during the request. The replication driver was not detected (detail: An error occurred while loading the hcpdriver module, please check your system logs; Please run “r1soft-setup –get-module ” on your Agent to install one. ).

hcpdriver error

Even if you run the following command, it does not fix the issue:

r1soft-setup --get-module

You can try following steps that may help you to resolve this issue. You will need to perform the following steps on which R1soft CDP agent is installed:

Run the following following command to check if hcpdriver is loaded or not:

lsmod | grep hcp

If it returns no value, then the hcpdriver is not loaded on your client machine. After that you need perform below steps.

[1] Verify Kernel version

uname -r

[2] Verify Kernel-devel & Kernel-headers packages. It should match with installed Kernel version:

rpm -qa | grep kernel

[3] If they are not installed, you will have to installed matching version.

[4] Now, run the following command:

r1soft-setup --get-module
r1soft-setup --get-module --no-binary

[5] Restart CDP agent:

/etc/init.d/cdp-agent restart

[6] Execute following command to check if hcpdriver is loaded or not:

lsmod | grep hcpdriver

It should return some value. Now, you should be able to backup your data using R1Soft.

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