Google Mobilegeddon is on its way

Couple of months ago, Google started to notify webmasters for mobile friendly website. If the website is not mobile friendly, they were notifying all users via Google Webmaster Tools.

Google has Rolling out the mobile-friendly update to begin globally rolling out the mobile-friendly update on April 21st 2015. That means, they will give priority in mobile search results to those websites which are mobile friendly. If your website is not mobile friendly, it may affect your ranking in mobile search result.

Google Mobilegeddon - Mobile friendly
As a webmaster, you can test whether your website is mobile friendly or not from Google’s Mobile friendly tool accessible from the following URL:

Google Mobille friendly Test

Also, you should note that this update will affect the following factors:

  • Affects only search rankings on mobile devices
  • Affects search results in all languages globally
  • Applies to individual pages, not entire websites

That means if you have website which has few web pages which are not mobile friendly, this update will affect to those web pages only. Many CMS and third party scripts are already mobile friendly i.e. WordPress. Such users will not require to take any action.

If you have Google Webmaster Tools account, you can check which web pages are not mobile friendly by following the below steps:

– Login to your Google Webmaster Tools account.
– Click on your web site name.
– Go to Search Traffic -> Mobile Usability.

This will show the web pages which are not mobile friendly.

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