How to repair a corrupted MySQL database from cPanel and phpMyAdmin

Sometimes, your MySQL database may be corrupted and it requires to repair your MySQL database. Here we will provide you steps to repair corrupted MySQL database from cPanel and phpMyAdmin.

[1] Repair a MySQL database from cPanel

Log in to your cPanel and go to MySQL Databases. In the section Modify Databases, select a database from the drop-down box next to Repair DB: and then click the Repair DB button.

If the database engine used by your database supports repair (for example, MyISAM supports it), you will see a list of the repaired tables within the database.

If your database engine does not support repair (e.g. InnoDB database engine), you will get the following error message:

note : The storage engine for the table doesn’t support repair

[2] Repair a MySQL database from phpMyAdmin
– Open your phpMyAdmin and select the database whose tables you wish to repair.

– Select the tables you wish to repair, or simply click [Check All] to select all tables.

– Click the box [With selected:] and choose Repair table. This will execute the REPAIR TABLE SQL query on the selected tables and they will be repaired.

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