SmarterMail pop up window bug in Firefox 31

Firefox 31 was released couple of days ago as I am writing this. If you are using SmarterMail to manage your email accounts, you may have noticed the issue with pop up window in SmarterMail.

This is a bug in SmarterMail with Firefox 31. It is confirmed by SmarterTools and they will address this issue in next release. However there is a quick fix to address this issue. If you do not want to wait till next update or your SmarterMail upgrade protection is expired, you can try the following fix. You just need to edit JavaScript file.

1. Go to the MRS\Javascript folder of your install path.
2. Take the backup of existing Resize.js file.
2. Open Resize.js with a text or code editor.
3. Find innerHeight and replace it with innerHeight2. There should be three instances of that string.
4. Save the file.

That should fix the issue. If you still see the issue please hold down Ctrl + F5 on your Firefox window which should reload any Javascript for that page.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Kailash

    SmarterTools has released an update for SmarterMail to address Firefox 31 bug. They released SmarterMail 12.3.5318 yesterday. #SmarterMail #SmarterTools

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