Forum Membership

Available Forum Membership for the Hosting Providers

We have web hosting community forum at here. We have following forum membership plan available for the hosting provider.

Hosting Provider Badge

Get a Verified Hosting Provider Badge under your Name in Forum to improve customer’s engagement. This Badge is available for the verified Hosting providers only. Before issuing this Badge, we verify the ownership of the Hosting provider. In addition, it will show the following verified icon in the profile:

Verified Hosting Providers

In addition to this, verified hosting providers are allowed post 2 offers per week in Web Hosting Offers section.

Monthly: $4/month
Yearly: $40/Year

You can contact us using the below form:

Additionally, members will get an option to set forum prefix like Offer, BlackFriday, Halloween etc. as before topic to highlight the thread as follow:

Thread will appear as follow: