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NGINX vs Apache: Which One Is More Suitable For You?

Started by tk-hassan, July 27, 2020, 11:43:07 AM


Both NGINX (pronounced as "Engine-X") and Apache are popular open-source web servers used to deliver web pages to a user's browser. However, which one is more suitable for you? In order to run your website more efficiently, it is very important to choose a web server according to your business needs. In this article, you will learn all about NGINX vs Apache most widely used open-source webservers.

Apache was initially released in 1995, whereas Nginx was in 2004 and both are most widely used by large fortune 500 companies all over the world. Around 50% of the traffic on the internet is served by both Apache and Nginx. In some special cases, the Nginx has a competitive edge over other web servers in terms of performance.

Full Article Source: https://www.temok.com/blog/nginx-vs-apache/