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Messages - Kailash

cPanel/WHM / Re: MongoDB quota for cPanel user
October 31, 2019, 11:32:23 AM
Officially MongoDB support is still not included in cPanel so I doubt you can set quota for MongoDB from cPanel/WHM. There was a feature request submitted in official cPanel website but this feature is still not included in latest version as of now. Also, I am not able to locate any plugin for cPanel which can help you in this matter
Please check the following steps:

  • Make sure that mysql service is up and running.
  • Make sure that roundcube database is existed. You can check it from WHM -> phpMyAdmin. There should be a database named roundcube.
  • If roundcube database is existed, make sure that tables are not corupted. If they are corrupted, you may need to restore it from backup

Your "where" clause will return all rows where name does not match username AND where name is not null.

If you want to include NULL results as well, you can try following where clause:

    where name <> 'username' or name is null

If you are looking for strings that do not contain the word "username" as a substring, then like can be used:

    where name not like '%username%'

- Kailash
You can use findstr command to search specific string via command prompt:

To search only one word:

findstr /s "hello" *.*

If there is a space in the search word, you have to use /C option as follow:

findstr /s /C:"hello world" *.*

Hope this will be helpful!
Passing an argument in a batch file is easy. For example, if your batch file name is myfile.bat and you want to pass some argument, you can execute following command:

myfile myargument

The value myargument will be stored in %1 and you can store in variable as follow:

set arg1=%1
cPanel/WHM / Re: Uninstall cPanel from server
October 30, 2019, 05:19:17 PM
When we install cPanel, it also makes changes in default operating system files as well. Hence there is no way you can uninstall it. You should rebuild your server or migrate it to other server.
Generally it is not recommended to uninstall control panel as there may be many dependent services on it. For Plesk, you can refer the following URL:


Note: Plesk installs many components, including provided by 3rd-party vendors and not all of them may be removed without leftovers.

The recommended approach is to backup the necessary information and reinstall the OS to avoid unexpected behavior after Plesk components removal.
By default Windows command prompt will be closed when you close your program which was started using batch file. To close Windows command prompt, you can use "start" command to start any program as follow:

start "" path-to-your-program

The above command will close Windows command prompt once your program is started.
Solution is mentioned in the description. You will need to convert your second folder as application folder (virtual directory) from IIS.
This is due to max_connect_errors limit. By default this limit is set to 10. That means, if there is more than 10 error from your system, your host will be blocked to access MySQL. You can either check why there is failed login or errors or you can raise the limit for max_connect_errors variable.

To increase the value, you just need to add/edit max_connect_errors variables in your MySQL configuration file and then restart MySQL service. You can set higher limit as per your need.

You can extract particular file/folder from your .tar.gz file as follow:

tar -zxvf your-file.tar.gz filename

tar -zxvf your-file.tar.gz directory-name

Please note that you have to specify exact path to extract file/directory.
Linux / Re: How to change Linux hostname permanently
October 30, 2019, 05:03:29 PM
hostname command will not change your server's hostname permanently. If you have latest Linux operating system (systemD based OS), you can do it using hostnamectl command. For complete details, you can refer our following blog post:

Web Hosting / Re: Access website using IPv6 IP address
October 30, 2019, 05:01:16 PM
For IPv6, you will have to specify [ and ] in the URL as follow:


For more details, you can refer our following blog post:


Since the server doesn't have any control panel, you have only manual migration option. You can follow the below steps to migrate your websites:

  • Add a website to the new server (create home directory, virtualhost entry etc.)
  • Generate full cPanel backup from the old server and transfer entire .tar.gz file to the new server
  • Extract .tar.gz file. This should contain your web contents as well as MySQL database.
  • Move web contents to appropriate directory and restore mysql database.


The best way to get list is as follow:

FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases

Once you get list, you can copy it. You may exclude default system databases like master, model, msdb ,testdb.

You can quit the unresponsive screen using the following command:

screen -X -S screen_session_name quit

This should quit the running screen.
Windows / Re: Clear all Windows event logs at once
October 30, 2019, 04:50:29 PM
The best way to do it using Windows command prompt. You can refer our following KB that will help you to clear all Windows event logs using single command:

There are two ways as follow to point your domain to your Amazon EC2 server as follow:

[1] Use Godaddy's DNS service

Since your domain is registered with Godaddy, you can continue using their DNS service and point "A" record for your website to your Amazon Ec2 server.

You will have to update "A" record for the following:

@ A Your Amazon Ec2 server IP

WWW A Your Amazon Ec2 server IP

If you have additional subdomains, you will need to add "A" record for them as well.

[2] Use Amazon's DNS service

If it is possible to setup DNS server on your Amazon Ec2 server, you can add DNS server and register your private nameservers from your Godaddy's control panel.

This will allow you to use your own DNS (like ns1.yourdomain.com and ns2.yourdomain.com). Please note that before you use your private namservers, you will have to register them from your Godaddy's control panel.

I had similar issue in my Laptop. I managed to fix it by following below procedure:

  • Remove power cable from your Laptop and shutdown it. Make sure you -shutdown- your operating system rather than hibernet or sleep mode.
  • Remove your Laptop battery.
  • After removing battery, hold power button for few seconds (5-10 seconds)
  • Attach battery to Laptop and attach power cable.
  • Now start your Laptop

- Kailash
You are receiving this error because PHP PDO extension in missing on your server. You should contact your hosting provider to enable PHP PDO extension if there is no option available in your cPanel. Once it is enabled, you should not receive this error.

- Kailash
For those who are looking for cPanel to DirectAdmin, there is possible migration path available. You can either migrate the accounts one-by-one or you can migrate all accounts from cPanel to DirectAdmin server. Steps are different for both migration. You can refer the following migration guide:

[1] Migrate ALL cPanel accounts to DirectAdmin
[2] Migrate one cPanel account to DirectAdmin

If there is any issue in migration, you can get direct help from DirectAdmin official forum.

- Kailash
Notification from cPanel:


Today we are excited to announce that we're shifting to an account based pricing and licensing structure and to share what that means for your relationship with cPanel. We aim to simplify the process of adding new servers, make it easier to become a cPanel customer, and provide value to a broader group of users.
Introducing Account Based Pricing

The hosting industry has changed a lot in the last 20 years, and has long out-grown the licensing and pricing structure that we have used at cPanel. Effective immediately, cPanel's license structure and the way we price our products is changing. Our pricing and licensing structure will now be standardized for all of our customers and include multiple Tiers. This new structure defines the price of each license based on the number of Accounts hosted on the server, reflecting the value received by the owner; now, customers pay for only what they use. On September 1st, 2019, we will introduce Auto-Scaling Packages, Fixed Packages, and transition all existing monthly licenses to the new account based pricing and licensing structure.
There will be no unlimited domains license now and pricing will be affected to all providers who are offering unlimited domains hosting. Now, you will have to pay $$$ instead of few bucks for cPanel license and most of the providers are now already started looking for the alternative.

New pricing are mentioned on their website:


- Kailash
Vulnerabilities / Docker vulnerability - May 2019
June 21, 2019, 02:30:39 PM
All versions of Docker are currently vulnerable to a race condition that could give an attacker both read and write access to any file on the host system. Proof-of-concept code has been released.


For complete CVE for Doker, refer the following URL:


- Kailash
TCP SACK PANIC - Kernel vulnerabilities - CVE-2019-11477, CVE-2019-11478 & CVE-2019-11479

A vulnerability targeting the networking stack in linux servers running kernel 2.6.29 or newer has been discovered that allows for Networking denial-of-service of varying severity, leveraging TCP "Selective Acknowlegment" (SACK).

Because the vulnerability requires absolutely no authentication, it could be used to deny networking indefinitely to any linux server using an unpatched kernel released in the last 10 years.

You can read more about the exploit (and patches mitigating it), here: https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2019/06/17/5 and here https://access.redhat.com/security/vulnerabilities/tcpsack

Centos 5 hosts and older cannot be updated due to lack of support, so it requires disabling SACK on them. 

- Kailash
As far I know you will not be able to convert the disk to dynamic if the operating system is installed on the disk. There can be third party software which can help you but if this is a new server without any data, you should find the way to set the disk as dynamic before OS installation. I believe this should allow you make the disk dynamic before OS installation and later you can enable disk mirroring after operating system installation.

- Kailash
Hello Chris,

This can happen if you have previously added this website and removed it. It is possible that it is not removed properly from the SolidCP database. You can refer our detailed article SolidCP Specified web site already exists to resolve this. Hope this will help you to resolve the error.

Yes, it is possible to block the access based on user-agent. You can refer our following KB:

Block unwanted users from your site using .htaccess

In this KB, refer section "Block bad users based on their User-Agent string" for more details.

Hope this will help you.

- Kailash
Windows / Windows Server 2008 R2 End Of Life and Upgrade
November 15, 2018, 01:48:48 PM
Windows Server 2008 R2 will reach to end of life on January 14, 2020. That means, you will not get any updates including security updates after this date. It is essential that you migrate your existing Windows Server 2008 R2 to higher version. There are two option available as follow:

[1] Perform in-place upgrade from Windows Server 2008 R2 to Windows Server 2012 R2

If you wish to retain your existing data and settings, you can attempt to perform in-place upgrade. You can refer our following KB that will help you to perform in-place upgrade:

Upgrade Windows Server 2008 R2 to Windows Server 2012 R2

[2] Migration to another server with higher operating system (Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016)

You can setup a new server with higher operating system (Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016) and then manually migrate your data from old Windows Server 2008 R2.

- Kailash
           Product: VMware ESXi, Workstation & Fusion
               URL: https://www.vmware.com
        CVE Number: CVE-2018-6981
          Priority: Critical
              Date: 2018-11-09

Vulnerability Description:

VMware ESXi, Fusion and Workstation contain uninitialized stack memory usage in the vmxnet3 virtual network adapter. This issue may allow a guest to execute code on the host. The issue is present if vmxnet3 is enabled. Non vmxnet3 virtual adapters are not affected by this issue.


           Product: Nginx
               URL: http://nginx.org
        CVE Number: CVE-2018-16843, CVE-2018-16844, CVE-2018-16845
            Impact: Low / Medium
              Date: 2018-11-10

Product Description:

nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP/UDP proxy server, originally written by Igor Sysoev. For a long time, it has been running on many heavily loaded Russian sites including Yandex, Mail.Ru, VK, and Rambler. According to Netcraft, nginx served or proxied 25.28% busiest sites in October 2018.

Vulnerability Description:

Two security issues were identified in nginx HTTP/2 implementation, which might cause excessive memory consumption (CVE-2018-16843) and CPU usage (CVE-2018-16844).

A security issue was identified in the ngx_http_mp4_module, which might allow an attacker to cause infinite loop in a worker process, cause a worker process crash, or might result in worker process memory disclosure by using a specially crafted mp4 file (CVE-2018-16845).


