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Messages - Kailash

Programming Discussion /
April 30, 2007, 03:26:11 AM
visit the below URL, that may help you:

http://support.microsoft.com/default.as ... bContent=1

Steps to generate a CSR key:

[1] Go to 'Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager' (Start -> run -> inetmgr).

[2] Go to 'Web Sites' -> right click on your sub-domain and select the 'Properties'.

[3] Go to the 'Directory Security' tab and then click on 'Server Certificate...'.

[4] From the 'Web Server Certificate Wizard' click on 'Next >'.

[5] Select the option 'Create a new certificate.' and then click on 'Next >' button.

[6] Select 'Prepare the request now, but send it later' and then click on 'Next >' button.

[7] Enter the name of the certificate and click on 'Next >' button.

[8] Enter the organization and organization unit and then click on 'Next >' button.

[9] Enter the common name (Generally, the name on which you want an SSL certificate. In this case, enter sub-domain.domainname.com) and click on 'Next >' button.

[10] Fill up the required details and click on 'Next >'.

[11] Enter the file name to save the CSR key and click on 'Next >'.

[12] Check the details that you have entered and then click on 'Next >' button.

[13] Click on 'Finish' button.

Steps to install an SSL certificate:

[1] Follow above steps from [1] to [4] again.

[2] Select the option 'Process the pending request and install the certificate'.

[3] Browse the path of your SSL certificate and click on 'Next >' button.

[4] It will decrypt the certificate contents and displays on your screen and click 'Next >' to install an SSL certificate.



cPanel Training Seminar 2007. For more information go to:


Microsoft IIS /
March 19, 2007, 08:41:32 AM

Assign the dedicated application pool to your domain.

Hello Rick,

Welcome to the forum!

To increase the link popularity, your site should have more number of inbound links. But Google also examines the relevance of the links to the subject matter of your site.

For more information, view below articles:


Programming Discussion /
February 27, 2007, 08:33:57 PM

It seems that you have not enabled the parent path for your domain. Kindly enable it from control panel or from IIS.

Other Web Hosting Stuff /
February 25, 2007, 10:04:50 AM

Before purchasing the hosting, you should check the server stability of the hosting provider and also you should check the support services (whether it is 24/7 or not).


Now a day, most of the hosting providers disable nobody user on their server or do not allow to send mail through script without SMTP authentication to stop the spamming from their servers. In such cases, you have to use SMTP authentication to send mail through PHP, ASP, or ASP.Net script. Below is the sample SMTP authentication script to send mail through PHP script:


$mail = new PHPMailer();

$mail->IsSMTP();                                // send via SMTP
$mail->Host     = "smtp.domain.com"; // SMTP servers
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;     // turn on SMTP authentication
$mail->Username = "[email protected]";   // SMTP username
$mail->Password = "password"; // SMTP password

$mail->From     = "[email protected]";
$mail->FromName = "Name";
$mail->AddAddress("[email protected]","Name");
$mail->AddReplyTo("[email protected]","Your Name");

$mail->WordWrap = 50;                              // set word wrap

$mail->IsHTML(true);                               // send as HTML

$mail->Subject  =  "Here is the subject";
$mail->Body     =  "This is the <b>HTML body</b>";
$mail->AltBody  =  "This is the text-only body";

   echo "Message was not sent <p>";
   echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;

echo "Message has been sent";


Note: To use above script, PHPMailer must be installed on the server. For more information, go to https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer

Hosting Software and Control Panels /
January 25, 2007, 03:31:33 PM
Hi Mike,

It is not possible. you can not use both versions on a single domain.

Programming Discussion /
January 20, 2007, 02:32:10 PM
Hi Scott,

Welcome to the forum!

It seems that you have developed your application in full trust level and your hosting provider doesn't allow full trust level on their server. You have to either modify your application to run under the trust level which is set on the server (Most of the hosting providers set the medium trust level on the server for security reasons) or you have to contact your hosting provider to change the trust level on the server.

If you modify your application then you have to recompile your DLL file 'MySql.Data.dll' and have to upload it again.

How Tos / Execute ASP code on HTM or HTML file
January 10, 2007, 02:31:38 PM
Steps to execute ASP code in HTM or HTML file:

[1] Open IIS.

Start > run > inetmgr

[2] Go to 'Website'.

[3] Right click on your website and click on 'Properties'.

[4] Go to 'Home Directory' tab and click on 'Configuration...'.

[5] On 'Mappings' tab click on 'Add...' button.

[6] Enter the path of your 'asp.dll' file, extension in which you want to execute ASP code (html or htm) and enter the verbs and then click on 'OK' button.

[7] Press two time 'OK' button.

After following the above steps, you will be able to execute the ASP code on your static page (.html or .htm).


How Tos / configure your Outlook Express
January 09, 2007, 08:21:24 PM
Steps to configure your email account in your Outlook Express:

[1] Open Outlook Express.

[2] Goto Tools > Accounts... and click on 'Add' button > select 'Mail...'.

[3] Enter your name and click on 'Next >' button.

[4] Enter your email address and click on 'Next >' button.

[5] Select the incomming mail server from the drop down list. If you want to configure IMAP then select 'IMAP' otherwise select 'POP3' and enter the incoming and outgoing mail server name for your domain then after click on 'Next >' button.

[6] Enter your account name (Generally your email address) and password. Click on 'Next >' button and then click on 'Finish' button.

[7] Select your account from the list and click on 'Properties' button.

[8] Goto 'Servers' tab and select the option 'My server requires authentication' if your server requires an authentication before sending mails.

[9] Goto 'Advanced' tab and select the option 'Leave a copy of messages on server' if you want to leave a copy of your mails on the server.

[10] Click on 'OK' button and then click on 'Close' button.

Steps to check uptime of MySQL service:

[1] Login to the server via SSH (for Linux) or MySQL server through command line (for windows).

[2] Type the command mysql

Now, you will be able see the mysql prompt (mysql>). From here, you can manage the MySQL services as well databases.

[3] To check the uptime of the MySQL service shoot out the command

