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Messages - Kailash

You can use the outbound spam filtering for your servers. This is easy to manage and track the spammers.

- Kailash
Dear Members,

We have added a new membership option for the hosting providers. This allows other community members to easily recognize the hosting providers. In addition, it will show the following blue verified icon in the profile:

This membership will also allow to use topic prefix to highlight the topic for greater reach.

For more information, you may refer the membership option from the following URL:


Dear Members,

We are pleased to announce the addition of the new feature in the forum as follow:

Features: Topic prefix option with paid membership

This allows the members to set topic prefix like BlackFrirday, Halloween, CyberMonday, Offer etc. We add the new prefix on regular interval. This will highlight your post for the greater reach.

For more information, you can refer our membership page:


You can use the billing systems like WHMCS, Blesta. Such systems allow the company to automate the billing, invoice and support systems.

You can refer our blog on WHMCS vs Blesta to review both billing and support systems.

Black Friday Deals at Liquid Web 2024

1. Fully managed hosting plans

Offer:  85% off for 3 months

2. Managed WordPress hosting

Offer: 75% Off On WordPress Hosting
Hoping to see amicable solution in the interest of WordPress community. If there is ongoing issue, it may be a trouble for WP Engine clients to use WordPress on their infrastructures.

- Kailash
For credit card, I recommend Stripe payment gateway.

- Kailash
Issue Description:

In cPanel v120.0.12, cPanel has updated internal PHP version to PHP 8.3. When this update released, ionCube did not release supported loader for PHP 8.3.

Because of this, Softaculous and other scripts which depend on ionCube Loader, they are failing. cPanel has raised the internal case RE-532 with their developer team to address this.


If you are affected by this, you can refer the following guideline to apply the workaround while cPanel releases an update to address this:

Softaculous Not Working on cPanel v120.0.12
Stackpath is closing everything. Following is their official announcement:

After careful consideration, it has been decided to close all StackPath products and liquidate all assets for the benefit of our creditors.

Effective immediately, we will begin the decommissioning of all StackPath services. The services impacted include:

  • StackPath Edge Compute Services (VMs and Containers)
  • StackPath Authoritative DNS Services
  • StackPath Object Storage
  • StackPath Network Transit Services
  • StackPath Datacenter Colocation Services
  • Server Density Monitoring Services

For customers who have storage with Wasabi Cloud object storage product, Wasabi is prepared to move your account from StackPath managed to a direct account or assist you in moving to another reseller/partner as required. Please email [email protected] for assistance.

We understand the importance of these services to your operations and urge you to take immediate action to transition your services and copy all data off of our platform.

Action Required:
  • Move Services: Please begin transitioning your services to an alternative provider.
  • Backup Data: Ensure all your data is backed up from our platform.


  • Customer invoicing was stopped on June 12, 2024.
  • Please pay any outstanding invoices using control.stackpath.com.


  • We are no longer offering technical support.
  • For questions regarding final invoices, please contact us at [email protected].

We deeply appreciate your business and regret any inconvenience this closure may cause. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this transition.


If you are using any service from StackPath, be sure to backup the data immediately.
Sometime, we may need to scroll up/down a web page in Google Chrome for automation. You can do this without any third party Chrome extension. This is possible using the simple JavaScript code as follow:

To auto scroll UP a web page at regular interval:

  • Open Google Chrome and navigate to the web page you want to auto-scroll.
  • Open the Developer Tools by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Option+I (Mac).
  • Go to the Console tab.
  • Copy and paste the following JavaScript code into the console and press Enter:

setInterval(() => {
    window.scrollBy(0, window.innerHeight);
}, 60000);  // 60000 milliseconds = 1 minute

This script uses setInterval to execute the window.scrollBy function every 60 seconds (60000 milliseconds), scrolling the page by the height of the visible window each time. If you want to scroll by a different amount, you can adjust the second argument of window.scrollBy(0, window.innerHeight) to a specific number of pixels.

To auto scroll DOWN a web page at regular interval:

  • Open Google Chrome and navigate to the web page you want to auto-scroll.
  • Open the Developer Tools by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Option+I (Mac).
  • Go to the Console tab.
  • Copy and paste the following JavaScript code into the console and press Enter:

setInterval(() => {
    window.scrollBy(0, -window.innerHeight);
}, 60000);  // 60000 milliseconds = 1 minute

window.scrollBy(0, -window.innerHeight): This scrolls the page up by the height of the visible window (window.innerHeight). The negative value (-window.innerHeight) ensures that the page scrolls up.


It appears that you have integrated Stripe account which is setup using Indian Address and company but you are attempting to use other currency i.e. USE, EUR etc. This is not allowed.

If you have an Indian Stripe account, your currency should be INR. To accept in other currency, you must have Stripe account from outside India.

Hope this will help to resolve your issue.

mod_lsapi is still not available for AlmaLinux 9.x version with cPanel. This may be available in the future.

If you need it now, you will need to go convert your AlmaLinux 9 to CloudLinux 9. mod_lsapi is available for CloudLinux 9 with cPanel control panel.

- Kailash
The best way to block bad bots is, use CloudFlare and create a rule to block bad bots including Claudebot.

You can also block the bots using .htaccess rule. For more information, you can refer the following URL:

Block Bad bots using .htaccesss
OceanWP WordPress theme is one of the most popular WordPress theme. There is a vulnerability identified in OceanWP <= 3.5.4 version as follow:


The OceanWP theme for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized access of data due to a missing capability check on the load_theme_panel_pane function in all versions up to, and including, 3.5.4. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with subscriber-level access and above, to expose sensitive information such as system/environment data and API keys.

It is recommended to upgrade your OceanWP theme as soon as possible to avoid any security issue in your website.

- Kailash
Hello Chris,

It requires to enable couple of settings to allow end cPanel user to manage SSL/TLS status and AutoSSL certificate. You can refer our following KB to resolve this problem:

SSL/TLS Status is not showing in cPanel

Don't worry, you just need to adjust couple of settings. That's it!

It seems that new Kernel is not added in grub configuration. You can regenerate it using the following command:

grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
You will need to reboot your server after executing the above command.

- Kailash
This should really affect their Exchange users and businesses depend on it.
cPanel informed its partners about a price increase which will come into effect from the 16th of December 2022. There is no official link for this price hike but you can refer the following external resource:

PHP 7.4 is reached to end of life Today, 29th November 2022. That means there will be no official updates available for PHP 7.4 version. It's time to migrate to PHP 8.1.


This is known issue in cPanel and as of now there is not direct solution to fix this.

As per cPanel support, their team is currently working to identify the exact cause of this issue, but they have identified that running  checkallsslcerts script at another time will result in a successful certificate installation.

As a workaround, you can set the following cron at different time:

30 8 * * * /usr/local/cpanel/bin/checkallsslcerts > /dev/null

- Kailash
So far there is no news or official announcement from cPanel. No news means it is good for us  :D
Yes, it can access other websites and data using PHP shell code. When you are hosting different website, it is recommended to use the operating system like CloudLinux with CageFS to restrict it. Unless you have such type of restriction, it is possible to access any data and even critical system files like passwd etc.

- Kailash
August 08, 2022, 10:28:01 AM
Hi WHD Members,

Before you post in web hosting offer section, kindly go through this post to avoid account restriction / ban:

  • To post an offer for your hosting company, your profile email address must match with the company for which you are posting offfers
  • You can post 1 offer in a week. If you frequently violate this, your account may lead to ban.
  • You cannot hijack other member's thread to post your own offer.
  • If we identify the false offer, your account can be restricted or ban.
  • If you are looking for the premium account to post 3 times a week, you can contact us for the premium membership.
  • You are not allowed to add reply in your own offer post unless someone has asked any question.

WHD Admin
When it comes to email marketing, it is essential that you have cleaned email list to about bounce, IP reputation issue and low delivery rate. Before using any email marketing service, you should clean bad email addresses from your lists.

There are several bulk email verification providers available to filter and remove such email addresses. For more details, you can visit top bulk email verification comparison chart.

- Kailash
This is a good list of seo automation tools providers. Such tools can help to boost your website ranking, SEO.
Critical vulnerability has been patched in popular SEO WordPress plugin All In One SEO. If you are using this plugin, you should upgrade to latest version as soon as possible.

Refer the following blog post for more information about this privilege escalation vulnerability:


- Kailash
VPS Hosting / Re: Connect VPS with domain
December 17, 2021, 05:09:48 PM
If your subdomain is redirecting to wrong URL, it is most likely related to your nginx configuration or .htaccess rule issue. You should review your .htaccess rule and nginx configuration. Also, it is recommended to activate free Let's Encrypt SSL so that you can use HTTPs for your subdomain.

- Kailash
WordPress performance and website speed depend on many factors including WordPress Hosting environment, theme selection, plugins etc. The basic steps are as follow:

  • Select the best WordPress hosting provider
  • Do not select theme having too much options. Just find the suitable and lightweight theme
  • Do not install too much plugins. Just install only necessary plugins
  • Use caching plugin like Litespeed Cache (Lscache), W3 Total cache, WP Super cache etc.
  • Use optimized image with lazy load
We have detailed KB of WordPress speed and performance optimization. You can refer our article WordPress Speed and Performance Optimization Tips.
After recent cPanel update to cPanel v98.0 on CloudLinux 6 server, clamd is failing as follow:

/scripts/restartsrv_clamd --start
Service "clamd" is already stopped.
Startup Log
/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/clamd: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre2-8.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

clamd has failed. Contact your system administrator if the service does not automagically recover.

This is due to a missing shared library object (libpcre2-8.so.0) file that is required by ClamAV which you can confirm by this:
ldd /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/clamd
libz.so.1 => /lib64/libz.so.1 (0x00007f64ae2db000)
libpcre2-8.so.0 => not found
libm.so.6 => /lib64/libm.so.6 (0x00007f64ae056000)

The libpcre2-8.so.0 shared library file is provided by the pcre2 package. However that package fails to be installed as a dependency when ClamAV is installed on the server.


To get around this issue, you can manually install the missing package and then restart ClamD:

yum install pcre2

/scripts/restartsrv_clamd --start
VPS Hosting / Re: Cheap Forex VPS from WinnerVPS
August 05, 2021, 10:28:45 PM
I have never heard of them but you can refer our recommended Forex VPS hosting providers from our following blog post:
