cPanel Tutorials – Web Hosting KB and Tutorials for cPanel hosting control panel.
cPanel provides free SSL certificate to the domains and server's hostname using AutoSSL feature. When the system automatically attempts to renew the hostname certificate for your server, you may receive…
When trying to install PECL module solr from WHM -> Module Installers, it fails to install PHP Solr extension and you may receive the following error: fatal error: libxml/parser.h: No…
cPanel Questions and Answers - FAQs If you have any other questions related to cPanel control panel, you can visit our web hosting forum.
Restrict Access to Addon Domains through the Main Domain On cPanel server, addon domains are linked with subdomains and sometimes, web hosting providers force to create all addon domains inside…
cPanel by default creates an email account same as cPanel's username. It is not possible to delete this email account and it may be used by cPanel internally. Also, you…