cPanel TSR-2014-0007 Announcement

cPanel has released new builds for all public update tiers. These updates provide targeted changes to address security concerns with the cPanel & WHM product. These builds are currently available…


cPanel & WHM 11.42 Now EOL

cPanel & WHM software version 11.42 has now reached End of Life. As always, cPanel announced EOL for cPanel 11.42 before three months ago. For more details, refer cPanel 11.42…


LiteSpeed Web Server Security Update

LiteSpeed Web Server Security Update LiteSpeed Web Server (LSWS) is a high-performance Apache drop-in replacement. It is used by many web hosting companies. LiteSpeed web server has released an update…


Enkompass EOL Announcement

Enkompass EOL cPanel has officially announced the end of life for Enkompass (a control panel for Windows server). Enkompass version 3.0 will reach End of Life in February 2014 and…


cPanel/WHM 11.38 EOL notice

cPanel/WHM 11.38 EOL notice cPanel & WHM software version 11.38 will reach End of Life at the end of April 2014. In accordance with cPanel EOL policy,11.38 will continue functioning…

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cPanel/WHM 11.38 EOL Notice

cPanel/WHM 11.38 EOL Notice As previously announced in March cPanel/WHM 11.38 EOL notice, cPanel/WHM 11.38 is now reached to End Of Life. cPanel/WHM 11.38 will continue functioning on servers. The…