Softaculous 4.4.3 released
Softaculous is a leading auto installer script used by many web hosts. It offers one click installation over 300+ scripts. Softaculous Team has released Softaculous 4.4.3. This is a security update and it is recommended that you upgrade it as soon as possible.
This version of Softaculous adds support for PHP 5.5 and includes several Security fixes.
Following are the changes made in Softaculous 4.4.3 released.
(1) Softaculous is now compatible with PHP 5.5
(2) Added CLI utility for Import and Edit Details
(3) This version also includes several important Security Fixes and it is highly recommended to upgrade to the latest version immediately. By default auto update for Softaculous core is enabled, but if you have disabled it you will have to upgrade manually from the Softaculous Admin panel.
4) Softaculous will now use the PHP MySQLi extension if available else MySQL will be used.